Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic

Our Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic, or CCBHC, provides comprehensive healthcare services to residents of Nassau and Suffolk counties who are facing mental illness and/or substance use disorders.
CCBHC began in 2017 as a 2-year pilot program authorized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and overseen by New York State Office of Mental Health.

It has since become an ongoing demonstration program based on the model’s strong results.

The CCBHC is a new model of care that focuses on rapid access to services, whole-person care, and 24/7/365 access to help in a crisis.

Our Services
Our CCBHC offers a wide range of services that promote recovery from mental health, addictions and chronic health conditions.

  • Immediate screening, diagnosis, and integrated treatment
  • Supports for individuals and families regardless of income
  • Treatment for serious mental illness or long-term chronic addictions
  • Personalized care for at risk members of the armed services or veterans
  • Helping those in underserved communities

See more on our services:

Integrated Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment: Our team serves adults, adolescents, and children who are affected by mental health and/ or substance use disorders.  We provide individual, group, and family therapy, psychiatric evaluation and medication management, plus same-day access to care.  We provide Detox from and ongoing Medication-Assisted Treatment for opioids, alcohol, and benzodiazepines – in an outpatient setting.

Screening, Assessment & Diagnosis: Using tools and practices that have been proven effective, our clinical treatment team will help you determine what your needs are and how to best help you recover.  We use a Patient-Centered Planning and Treatment Approach that puts your ideas and preferences for your care first.

Primary Medical Care:  At our Wellness Center, we have doctors and staff onsite who can help you manage or reduce the risk of chronic illnesses like Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, and COPD.

Targeted Case Management: A case manager can work with you and your staff to help you connect to additional resources at CN Guidance and in the community, manage all of your healthcare and benefits needs, and get additional supports during times of crisis.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services: Our specially trained staff can work with you at home, at the clinic, or in the community to help you restore your well-being and build skills in any area of your life.

Peer and Family Supports: Certified peer specialists (staff members who also receive services for mental health and substance use issues) provide support and counseling, and are available to help as you experience changes in your care or your life.  Staff can visit you in the community if getting to the clinic is difficult for you.

Personalized Care for members of the Armed Forces: Anyone with current or prior military service (regardless of branch, service type or discharge status) or their families can receive services from staff who have been specially trained in recognizing and working with the unique circumstances of our nation’s Veterans. 

Crisis Intervention: Our dedicated staff can provide emergency crisis intervention & stabilization and crisis planning any time of day or night.  Through our relationship with community partners, we have access to a mobile crisis team 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.


Medicaid, Medicare, and most private insurances are accepted. Services are equally available to those insured, uninsured, or may not have an ability to pay, with reduced fees available for those that qualify,


“They let me know that it’s okay to be me.”

“I learned if I wanted to be the best me I could be, I had to address both issues, the mental piece and the substance abuse piece. And nobody ever told me that before.”

“I don’t hear the stigma anymore.”

“What I hear is that there’s hope. That’s what I hear. There’s hope.”


Lindsay Ragona, Project Director, CCBHC
CN Guidance & Counseling Services

950 South Oyster Bay Road
Hicksville, NY 11801
Phone: 516-396-2757
Email: lragona@centralnassau.org