As a registered Opioid Overdose Prevention Program in New York State, CN Guidance’s Narcan-trained staff provide free training to the public about how to use naloxone/Narcan, which helps people survive some types of overdoses.
‘Ms. Kathie Lombardi came to my office and gave a presentation on Narcan. She left us educated, and with rescue kits. A few days later, while riding the LIRR, a gentleman in the same car as me overdosed. The conductor could not wake him and called for medical assistance. A Dr. responded, and started to try (unsuccessfully) to revive him. He was not breathing and his heart had stopped. I told her I had Narcan on me. She took it and administered it. He was successfully revived. The Dr. called out, ‘Whoever gave me that Narcan just saved this man’s life’.
Because of your program, somebody’s son is still alive today. Thank you for what you do. It makes a difference’.
Kathie Lombardi Community Outreach Coordinator
Phone: 516-406-1340 Email: