“I am so grateful the school suggested CN Guidance and Counseling Services to our family. As a busy working parent who also care for her elderly parents, it’s hard to do the research to find therapist and doctors for my child’s special needs. My counselor Shirley is amazing. My son has a neurologist thanks to this agency. Now, he is also on a weekly regimen of Socialization, OT and Speech therapist outside of school all provided to me by CN Guidance and Counseling Services. Honestly, they have been a life saver. I wouldn’t not have even known where to start looking for these services for my child. We are forever grateful.”
“CN Guidance never ever gave up on my kid or my family. They never lost hope and made sure we didn’t too.”
School Readiness – Sesame Workshop Traumatic Experiences – Sesame Workshop
Emotional Well-Being – Sesame Workshop Social Emotional Skills – Sesame Workshop
Kristie Schwarz, MA Program Director
245 Newtown Rd, Suite 305, Plainview, NY 11803 Tel: 516-445-0405 Email: kschwarz@centralnassau.org